Thursday, January 15, 2009
I've moved to a new website! It's all done up!
I'm gonna write more than ever, focusing only on travel - the love of my life!
See you there!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
One Week Job Project

Sean as a Bungee Instructor
To kickstart the new year, I have some interesting stuff to share.
Isn't it everyone's dream to be venturing abroad, or rather, being on a new adventure while on the road?
Sean Aiken, freshly graduated from college and not knowing what to do with his life, embarked on an epic journey around North America - 'One week job Project'. Working 52 jobs in 52 weeks.On his inspirational quest, Sean tried everything: Bungee Instructor, Dairy Farmer, Advertising Executive, Baker, Stock Trader, Firefighter, and more. Wherever he could find work, he'd go there, find a couch to crash on and immerse himself in whatever profession was at hand. And then he'd move on.
Listen to this, all his wages were donated to charity. Now that's what we're talkin' about!
Pretty inspiring huh?
Pretty inspiring huh?
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2009's here!
It's been a whirlwind of travelling and parties over the past month. My favourite time of the year has come - time to say goodbye to 2008 and usher in the new year. Looking back, 2008 has been perhaps the best year in my life thus far - in terms of discovering more of who I am, finding my favourite places in the world and being closer to my loved ones.
Let's look back at one of the best years I've had -2008:
- A wacky 3 Kings day in Granada, Spain with some good friends
- Sledging in Oslo, Norway and meeting a superb Norwegian host - an extremely memorable experience!
- Sleeping under the stars in the White Desert, Egypt
- Climbing the rose-red cliffs of Petra, Jordan
- Finding my favourite place in the world - Tanzania, Africa where I taught the best students of Bomani Pri Sch
- Seeing my family again in Singapore
- Sleeping in a tatami room in Miho's home, Tokyo
- Climbing the Great Wall of China and witnessing works of history in Beijing
- Fell in love with rustic SE Asia - Vietnam and Cambodia
- Having some of my best friends visit from all over - Melinda, Hannah, Heiko, Emily!
- Most importantly, started freelance travel writing!
With 2009 here, here are my new year's resolutions and I can't wait take a peek at what the new year has in store for us!
- Get published on more travel websites and magazines - Bootsnall and local magazines
- Finish up my new website, and turn it into a success!*
- Develop a stronger style of writing
- Learn Italian! - Buongiorno!
- Spend more than 3 months travelling Latin America*
- Play with the sealions at Galapagos Island
- Visit Vanessa in Argentina!*
- Finding a permanent home - hopefully we can buy our own house...
I know I know, it's a lot for 1 year of resolutions, but hey - I fulfilled ALL of my resolutions last year, so why can't I be a lil greedy and set my standards higher this time round? ;)
Diving the waters of Sipadan, Borneo
A hawksbill turtle
Thou it didn't feel like X'mas, with the tropical heat and the oceanic setting, we undoubtedly immersed ourselves in the beach bummer lifestyle both of us adore. Everyday was breezy and carefree - waking up to a stunning sunrise by our simple water chalet, diving the deep waters and swimming amidst turtles, then napping away on our verandah overlooking the sea in the evening.
Looking out on our verandah
On our little piece of haven in Sabah, we found heaven. Truth be told, I had been swaying in the seabreeze and getting high on the smell of saltwater too much to even realise that I was still on earth.
Tons of untouched islands dot the area - we dived around Sibuan Island where we found 3 turtles playing hide-and-seek under the coral reefs, and clown fish mingling around with the sea anemone. As we reached the shore of Sibuan Island, some 3-year-old boys stared at us, stark naked and smiling in puzzlement. We were told later that they were Filippino immigrants who'd taken refuge on this previously uninhabited island, living on their own catch from the sea, and basic rattan huts they'd thatched together themselves. Inhabited by perhaps only 20 of them, Sibuan is an unspoilt, rustic island that had managed to escape the clutches of tourism, as yet.
the children of Sibuan Island
clownfish playing amongst the sea anemone
blue Dory
Schools of batfish
For every diving enthusiast, Sipadan is the Mecca, and the ultimate answer to paradise. It's what dive worshippers have been looking for. Blessed with rich biodiversity, you can find over 500 species just of coral and 3000 species of fish around the reefs of Sipadan. From the intimidating white-tip sharks to abundance of hawksbill turtles, Sipadan is one of the few sites in the world where you are guaranteed a visual feast of marine life. Luck was on our side as we were almost caught in a whole school of trevallies as they swam in coherence with one another. A turtle even swam so close to me, like he wanted a cuddle. I just stared straight into his eyes, and said hi to my new friend.
turtle amidst the colourful corals
school of trevallies
What makes Sipadan a world-famous dive site is its majestic drop-off that seems to cascade down to endless depths (700metres). Sipadan Island is only 14 hectares in size, encircled by vibrant coral gardens, which are cut steeply vertical into the deep sea. The drop-off is where you can find incredible diversity and density of marine life, and the most popular dive sites like the barracuda point, and white-tip avenue.
black-tip shark
I had the most fun with this interesting group of divers - all middle-aged Malaysians who had funny tales to share and a heart of gold. They were there to calm my nerves and share their precious life experience with me.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Dive haven in Sipadan
It was nothing like I'd ever seen, and I think, I've almost found my heaven...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Lapland - Santa Claus's birth place

Photo by Rob
With the festive season around the corner, I'm working on a X'mas article, in which I wrote about the intriguing Lapland (Sweden and Finland) - where pure white snow covers sloping mountains and deep forests. Nowhere else in the world can be more magical than the legendary birth place of Santa Claus. Reindeer sleighs and huskies snowmobiles. A child's fantasy cometrue.
'Imagine exploring the mythical Sarek National Park on huskies' sleighs, along the King's trail, past deep forests, lakes and bare mountains. The 3-day trip will allow you to sleep under the stars, where you might just witness the magical aurora, and spot a few moose, reindeer and lynx. With commercialized tourism yet to be developed, there are no tourist cottages or hordes of travelers around - you'll be guaranteed a genuine Christmas adventure. Snow-mobiles and ice-fishing are also activities that you can rarely indulge anywhere else on earth. To get an authentic experience of the Sami culture, you can even ski with tamed reindeers to Skaite and Lake Peuraure! Definitely the best Christmas trip you can have!'
MERRY X'MAS!! Wish everyone a dreamy white X'mas!
Angkor Wat by night
Still, the city of Siem Reap has so much beauty and culture remaining despite years of war.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
10 tips to bargaining your way across the globe
While travelling through any corner of the world, you're bound to be stuck one way or another in the maze-like Djemma el Fna souk of Morocco, or the Ladies Market in Hongkong. With a tip or two, bagging handicrafts and souvenirs might not be that tough after all!
Check out my travel article at:
Be sure to vote/comment! The best article of the month wins US$1000 in cash!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My Bella Vita

I came across the blog of this American girl who fell in love with an Italian man in Paris, and moved all the way to Catanzaro, Northern Italy. They restored his childhood home, and transformed it into a lovely B&B. She talks about her beautiful life in the Italian suburbs, and every other thing under the sun.
Their story kinda reminds me a lil of our own (I choose to think of it as romantic as theirs.) I'll love to visit them if I'm in Italy again!