Whale shark watching in Donsol

Lately I've been seeing and reading about Whale Shark watchin in Donsol, Philippines.
I've been so intrigued with it, imagine that amazing experience of a huge animal swim by you..
The sheer size of the whale shark is enough to awe you beyond bewilderment. Many curious backpackers indulge in the experience to swim with the gentle giant, and get as close as possible.
Thanks to conservationists and WWF, rules have been laid down, and they have ensured that visitors will have minimum impact on the animals and environment. WWF, together with the LGU and the Donsol Municipal Tourism Council (DMTC), have implemented the Butanding Ecotourism Development Project.
The whale shark, locally known in Donsol as 'butanding', is the biggest fish in the world. This gentle giant is known to grow to great lengths of up to 15 t0 20 meters and can weigh up to 34 tonnes. Unlike other species of sharks, the whale shark can neither bite nor chew. Its thousands of teeth are so tiny that it can only eat small shrimps, fish and plankton by using its modified gill rakers as suction filter.
Donsol is a coastal town located at the northwestern part of the Province of Sorsogon. The people generally depend on farming, livestock production and fishing for their income and livelihood. There are no landline telecommunications and internet services in Donsol.

I'm going there someday. Anyone up for it?